The #1 source of premium AmeriPlan Dental Savings plans in the USA, Since 1992.
Compare How our AmeriPlan dental savings plans can help you save 25% to 80% On Expensive Dental Procedures
I often hear from people that there are so many dental insurance options and all the information is so confusing. The average person is not sure what to do.
Are you offered medical and dental coverage through your employer? Maybe you’re self employed and don’t go to the doctor very often. Or the high premiums and deductibles are just not in your budget. You can still have some type of benefits so that you are not paying full retail for any of your dental and medical services.
Start receiving your discount pricing immediately on all of your family’s dental treatments, regardless of what the dentist’s normal customary charges are as long as they are in our provider network.
Advantages to enrolling in Ameriplan dental savings plans in 2021
Your membership plan is activated immediately.
Your membership cards are emailed, and also directly mailed to you.
Everyone is covered in your home (related or not) that is residing in the home at no additional cost.
No limits on visits, or services, No Exclusions and No waiting periods, for any dental procedures done.
Savings of 25% to 80% on expensive dental procedures. Including orthodontics dental implants, dentures, and cosmetic dentistry.